Integrated Care for Dually Eligible Beneficiaries and Medicaid HCBS Rebalancing:
An Update from MACPAC
Kirstin Blom, MIPA, Contracting officer and a principal analyst, MACPAC and Asmaa Albaroudi, MSG, senior analyst, MACPAC.
About the Speakers:
Kirstin Blom, MIPA, is the contracting officer and a principal analyst. Before
joining MACPAC, Ms. Blom was an analyst in health care financing at the
Congressional Research Service. Before that, Ms. Blom worked as a principal
analyst at the Congressional Budget Office, where she estimated the cost of
proposed legislation on the Medicaid program. Ms. Blom has also been an
analyst for the Medicaid program in Wisconsin and for the U.S. Government
Accountability Office (GAO). She holds a master of international public
affairs from the University of Wisconsin, Madison, and a bachelor of arts in
international studies and Spanish from the University of Wisconsin.
Asmaa Albaroudi, MSG, is a senior analyst. Prior to joining MACPAC, she
was a Health and Aging Policy Fellow with the House Energy and Commerce
Committee’s Subcommittee on Health. Ms. Albaroudi also worked as the
manager of quality and policy initiatives at the National PACE Association,
where she provided research and analysis on federal and state regulations. She
is currently a doctoral candidate at the University of Maryland-College Park’s
School of Public Health, where her research centers on long term care. Ms.
Albaroudi holds a master of science in gerontology and a bachelor of science in
human development and aging from the University of Southern California.
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